Rumors Finally Confirmed! - Acha Septriasa

Rumors have been running rampant that Acha Septriasa [beside Aura Kasih] is woman behind Pasha Ungu-Oki's dispute. Acha and the couple’s lips were sealed shut on the subject – until now, that is. Acha Septriasa, Pasha Ungu-Oki have confirmed that Acha-Pasha is indeed have a relationship.

Oki said,"I warned Acha to stay away from my husband!"

"We just a friend! And yes, Pasha gave me a gift on my birthday. A handbag and inexpensive RIP CURL's watch" Acha said to the press. "That's It, That's All! I'm so soryy if the gift made Oki jealous of me. Really, I'm sorry!"

OK, dude! Let's wait and see as usual.

Acha Septriasa - A Gift Incident
Acha Septriasa - A Gift Incident
Acha Septriasa - A Gift Incident
Acha Septriasa - A Gift Incident

Photo courtesy of

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