TV anchor Indy Rahmawati accused of setting up Fake Case Broker?

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I like Indy very much. Until now I still don't believe that she and TVOne’s current affairs manager Alfito Deannova made a fake interview about case broker. According to

"Broadcaster TVOne said on Friday it would file a defamation lawsuit against a man who claimed the station paid him to pose as a case broker for an interview.

In a news conference broadcast live, Alfito Deanova, TVOne’s current affairs manager, said they would take legal action “because this concerns our reputation and credibility. We never invite people and ask them to confess something untrue.”

Furthermore, TVOne GM for news and sports said Andis had previously been on other shows speaking as a source on case brokers :

“He showed us some proof that he was a case broker and after several clarifications we believed him and used him on some shows,” Totok said.

I hope this scandal will not influence Indy's career, so we can still watch her on the TV show "Apa Kabar Indonesia". BTW, she just celebrated her birthday this April.

TV anchor Indy Rahmawati Birthday
TV anchor Indy Rahmawati accused of setting up Fake Case Broker?

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